Michael Rossman:  Bibliography



Administrative Pressures and Student Political Activity at the University of California, M. Rossman and L. Hollander, eds; Free Speech Movement Press (Berkeley), 1964.

Twenty studies and an overview.  I organized the project and was principal editor; wrote the overview.

[The Marriage Book], Home Press (Berkeley), 1969.

A volume of love poems.

The Wedding Within The War, Doubleday (Paris Review Editions) and Anchor, N.Y., 1971.

A personal chronicle of the New Left, and of the development of the Movement, 1958-1970.

On Learning and Social Change, Random House/Vintage, N.Y., 1972.
Lernen fur eine neue Gessellschaft,  Beltz-Verlag, Germany, 1974.

Theoretical and practical studies in educational process. The essays develop the perspectives of the student-initiated higher education reform movement, and extend them to the experiences of the Movement and the "counterculture".

Learning Games. Unpublished, c. 1978

The core of an innovative pedagogy, the most interesting product of the student-initiated higher education reform movement of the late 1960s/early 1970s.

New Age Blues: On the Politics of Consciousness, E.P. Dutton, N.Y., 1979.

Essays on the political pedagogy of learning processes in the human potential movement.  The book includes major studies of EST, and of the militarization of parapsychological research.

Winds of the People: The Poetry of the Spanish Civil War, Impulse Press, Berkeley, 1986.

An anthology of my translations of poetry from the War, including introductory material and a radio drama.

Elementary Science Education. Web-published at <http:// mrossman.org>, 2007.

Most of my writing on the subject. Most pieces had not been published previously.

Looking Back at the Free Speech Movement. Web-published at <http://mrossman.org>, 2007.

Most of my writing about the FSM. Most pieces had been published earlier, in scattered venues.

Essays, Articles, Poems

([WWW], [OLSC],  [NAB], [ESE], & [LBFSM] indicate essays collected in the respective books)


"Surprise."  Vulcan #5 (Golden Gate Futurian Society), June 1954.

A shaggy space-dog story.

"Dimensional Theory."  Isomer #3, Fall 1955.

A naive mathematical note.


"Late Summer Letter."  Occident (Berkeley), Winter 1958.

A memoir about falling apart at 17.  Published under the pseudonym "Mitchell Dale"

"Scene from my Childhood", "[My watching made them actors...]", and "Portrait" (poems); and "Gacela of the Flight" and "Casida of the Reclining Woman" (translations of F.G. Lorca's poems.)  Occident, Winter 1958.

[Music and drama reviews (c. 20).] Daily Californian, 1958-60.


"F.G. Lorca's Canciones."  Manticore II (Chicago), March 1959.

Four poem translations and excerpts from an introduction.

"Woodcut", "A Noyse of Musicians", and "For the Men of the Lucky Dragon" (poems.)  Occident, Spring 1959.


"Caryl Chessman's Execution."  Daily Californian, 4 May 1960.

Personal journalism of the social event. [WWW]

"St. Petersburg, 1880" and "Sweat, Dirt, and the Summer Sun" (poems.)  Occident, Spring 1960.

"[Because I come to you...]" and "Sestina: Death in My Mind" (poems.)  Signet II:7 (Walnut Creek), July 1960.

"I dreamed then..." and "The Dark Angels" (prose-poems.)  Signet II:8, Aug. 1960.

"The Warsaw Fruit" and "This Greening Spring" (poems.)  Occident, Fall 1960.

"[There was a man...]" (poem), Carribean Quarterly 6:4 (Trinidad), late 1960.

In "Two California Poets" by M. Sandmann, with character sketch as a Beatnik poet.


"New Faces on the Picket Line."  Occident, Spring 1961.

An early and seminal analysis of the emerging New Left.

"Pacific Beach", "[Because I come to you...]", and "And You Are Here, Not There" (poems) and "Three Sections" (prose-poems.)  Occident, Fall 1961.


"[Often at night...]", "There will be sorrow enough...", and "Philoctetes" (poems.)  Occident, Spring 1963.

"May Day: The Court Jester Speaks..." (long poem.)  Occident, Fall 1963.


"Administrative Pressures and Student Political Activity at the University of California: An Overview."  Free Speech Movement, 1 Nov. 1964.

Cover-essay to similarly-titled report. [See entry under BOOKS.] [LBFSM]

"Sitting dizzy with sun..." (poem) and "Little Elegy for a Hero of the Republic" and "He used to write..." (translations of C. Vallejo's poems.) Occident, Spring 1964. [WOP]

"Insomnia", "That wall you build...", and "That ugly bird..." (poems.)  Occident, Fall 1964-65.


"Civil Rights and the Free Speech Movement."  Occident, Spring 1965.

An analysis of the origins of the FSM in the activist culture of the Movement.  It incorporates a survey of local student Civil Rights activism, 1957-64. [WWW], [LBFSM]

"Winds of the People" and "The Train of the Wounded" (translations of M. Hernandez's poems.)  Spider I:6 (Berkeley), 28 July 1965. [WOP]


"The Nature of Education: To Fall (n.)",  "On Undergraduates, In Library, No", and "On Blasphemy in Greek Theater: NO."  Daily Californian, ? Jan., 23 Feb., and ? March 1966.

Three columns on core educational issues, written as arcane meditations, published under the pseudonym "c.a.v."

"Barefoot in a Marshmallow World."  Ramparts 4:9, Jan. 1966.

Essay-review of three books on the Free Speech Movement.  (Excerpted in The New Radicals: A Report With Documents, P. Jacobs and S. Landau, eds., Random House, 1966.) [WWW] [LBFSM]

"Consensus at Berkeley."  In three Daily Californian supplements, May 1966.

Extended analysis of the report of the Chancellor's Select Committee on Education (itself published as Education at Berkeley.)

“Radical Educational Reform Within the System,” The Gadfly [weekly supplement of Colorado Daily], 30 Sept. 1966.

Extensive notes prepared for NSA National Conference that summer,  including much more material (particularly on cross-cultural education perspectives and Tussman Program) than in subsequent American Scholar essay.

"'Quiet Revolution' at S.F. State."  The Sunday Ramparts I:2, 23 Oct. 1966.

Early characterization of the Experimental College, the first viable "free university".

“A Chronology of the Events Occurring in the Lower Lobby, Between the Entrances to the Bear’s Lair and the ASUC Bookstore, During the Afternoon of Wednesday, December 30, 1966.”

Pamphlet published by the Strike Committee, concerning events triggering the second student strike.


"The Plaza and Free Speech."  Daily California, 11 April 1967.

About the aftermath to the FSM at Berkeley.

"The Movement and Educational Reform."  The American Scholar 36:4, Autumn 1967.

A projective analysis, sketching the implications of the New Left's political style for the reform of educational process.  (Reprinted in The Connecticut Daily Campus LXXIV:74, 27 Feb. 1969.) [WWW]

"Syllogism" and "Number Lesson" (jail poems), The Santa Ritan  18:27 and 18:33 (Livermore), 22 July and 2 Sept. 1967.


"Notes from a California Jail."  New York Review of Books X:3, 15 Feb. 1968.

A long memoir about imprisonment, the roles of education, and the Movement.  (Reprinted in Getting Busted, R. Firestone, ed., Douglas Press, 1970, and Arena Press, 1973;  The Movement Toward a New America, M. Goodman, ed., Pilgrim Press/Knopf, 1970;  The Cosmos Reader, E. Friedenburg, ed.,       , 1971.) [WWW] [LBFSM]

"Huelga KMPX."  San Francisco Express-Times, 26 March 1968.

About community media organizing and the first "underground" rock station. [WWW]

"Chicago in August."  S.F. Express-Times I:7, 7 March 1968, and
"Letter to Jerry Rubin."  Berkeley Barb, 22 March (April?) 1968.

Moral questions and predictions about the upcoming demonstrations at the Democratic National Convention. ("Letter…" reprinted in New York Avatar 1:2, 12 April 1968 {as "Michael Rossman writes Jerry Rubin"?}; Takin' It to the Streets: A Sixties Reader. Ed. A. Bloom & W. Breines, Oxford University Press, 1995.) [WWW]

"Look Ma: No Hope."  Commonweal LXXXVIII:4, 12 April 1968.

A poignant New Left memoir.  (Reprinted in The Movement Toward a New America, M. Goodman, ed., Pilgrim Press/Knopf, 1970.)

"Organizing Unions of Teaching Assistants."  As Is (USNSA), April 1968

Per title.

"A Radical View of Educational Reform" (lecture.)

Transcript of long lecture, with related dialogues on current campus issues.  In The Student in the Total Learning Environment: Proceedings of the 1968 Campbell Lectures on Higher Education, Graduate Student Association, University of Illinois at Champaign, 1968.

"Breakthrough at Berkeley."  The Center Magazine I:4, May 1968.

A major excerpt from a massive essay on the evolution of political community in Berkeley.

"Claiming Turf in Berkeley."  S.F. Express-Times 1:25, 10 July 1968.

On the territorial imperative of the local movement and counterculture. [WWW]

"15 December 1967: A Taste on the Breath of the Wind" (poem-broadside.)

A long topical broadside on the time's growing violent, published by The Depot Press, Urbana, IL., no date [1968].  (Reprinted in As Is 3:4, 15 Nov. 1968.)

"Recommended Summer Reading."  The American Scholar 37:3, Summer 1968.

A note on our changing relation to reading.

"The Two Faces of Youth."  Saturday Review LI:33, 17 Aug. 1968.

An essay-review of Kenneth Keniston's The Uncommitted and Young Radicals.

"(A Violence Sequence)."  Village Voice [3 issues, late 1968.]

Meditations on the violence of the time, as it struck a traveling organizer. [WWW]

"Typhoon Season."  The Activist #22, Fall 1968.

A meditation on the mood of the 1968 Presidential elections.

"Blacks at Mainstream U."  Commonweal LXXXIX:1, 4 Oct. 1968.

Innovative program lines, for blacks in white colleges.

"An Organizing Strategy for the Educational Reform Movement."  In The Ed Reform Papers, T. Linney, ed., USNSA, 1968.

Per title.


"Preparation for an Exile" (poem.) S.F. Express-Times [early 1969?]

"Dear Michael: Two Letters on Confrontation." Change Magazine I:1, Jan. 1969.

On confrontation as a factor in the formation of independent identity.

"Message to the Campuses" (poem-broadside.)  Walrus 2:8 (Urbana IL), Feb. 1969.

A long poem-broadside, concerning tactics and strategies of campus struggle.

"Violence and Power on Campus: A Debate."  Change Magazine I:2, March 1969 (cover.)

A taped discussion with S.M. Lipset, Morris Abram, and Mike Vozick.  (Reprinted in Microcosm: College and the World, Conner and Kohs, eds., Harcourt Brace Johanovich, 1972.)

"American Revolution 1969: The Context of Campus Violence."  Rolling Stone I:30, 5 April 1969 (cover).

A major article about the broad spectrum of campus conflicts.  (Reprinted in The Age of Paranoia, Rolling Stone eds., Pocket Books, 1972;  and in Student Movements of the 1960s, Dean Albertson, ed.; Simon & Schuster, N.Y., 1975) [WWW]

"From Moonshot Berkeley."  Daily Californian 203:13, 1 Aug. 1969.

Reflections on the state and mandate of the Movement, shortly after the loss of People's Park. [WWW]

"Ode to Benny Spock" (poem.)  In Green Flag (Journal for the Protection of All Beings #3), City Lights Books, 1969. [WWW]

"[Dragon's Eye finally...]"  Kaliflower I:32, 1969.

A note on street-theater and confrontation. [WWW]


"Obsidian Chip Curse" (poem.)  Marijuana Review I:5; Jan. 1970

"Is That Right, Mr. Yes?"  Change Magazine 2:1, Jan. 1970; and
"Have You Ever Suspected that Being A 'Good Student' is the Phoniest Way to Learn?"  Glamour 63:6, Aug. 1970.

Short and long versions of a deconditioning role-play, concerned with classroom roles and interactions, amounting to an essay on the subject.  Appears in OLSC as "Transcending the Totalitarian Classroom."  (Reprinted in Inside Academe: Culture in Crisis, Change Magazine Press, 1972; and in Notes on Everyday Life 1:4, Sept. 5, 1973.  Excerpts in Back Roads #8, Fall 1976.) [OLSC]

"Climb on the Save the Ecology Bandwagon Poem #3" (poem), Geek (Urbana, IL) I:4; Mar. 16, 1970

"On Learning and Social Change: The Authority Complex."  Here and Now, May 1970 (special issue.)

On the reconstruction of authority in educational systems.  (Reprinted in Edcentric, Sept. 1972 (cover); in The Changing College Classroom, P. Runkel et. al. eds., Jossey-Bass 1969; and in Thought From The Educational Reform Movement, R. Kean, ed., National Student Association 1970.) [OLSC]

"The Psychology of Free Learning."   In Summerhill: For and Against, H. Hart, ed., Hart Publishing Co., 1970.

A study of deinstitutionalized learning, per title, commissioned in honor of A.S. Neill.

"The Ecology of Violence in the University."  Sunrise #2-3, April-May 1970; and L.A. Free Press (special Counter-Education Supplement), Sept. 11, 1970.

A description of institutional higher education in terms of its unbalanced Yang character, with notes on moving beyond. (Reprinted in Notes on Everyday Life 1:5; Oct. 22, 1973.) [OLSC]

"Declaration on the Birth of the Child Lorca."  New Schools Exchange #47, late 1970; retitled as "In California '70."  Intellectual Digest II:5, Jan. 1972.

Reflections on the birth of my son, about independence from the educational system.  (Reprinted in The Raspberry Exercises, S. Raspberry and R. Greenway, eds., Freestone Press, 1970;  (Tam District) Alumni News July 1971; Weather Report 2:7, Nov. 30, 1971; The Radical Papers: Readings in Education, H. Sobel and A. Salz, eds., Harper and Row, 1972; The Birth Book, R. Lang, ed., Genesis Press, 1972; The Children's Rights Movement, R. & B. Gross, eds., Anchor Press, 1977.) [WWW]

"Mad Michael's Song" (poem.)  In The Age of Rock II, J. Eisen, ed., Random House, 1970.

"Poem for a Victory Rally in a Public Park."  A chapbook, self-published, Berkeley 1969; reprinted May 1970, December 1984.

My epic integration of the 1960s, cast in the form of a political celebration.  (Excerpted in The Whites of Their Eyes, Consumption Press, 1970.  Anthologized with two smaller poems in Campfires of the Resistance: Poetry from the Movement, T. Gitlin, ed., Boobs-Merrill, 1971.) [WWW]


"Projections for the Free Schools Movement."  New Schools Exchange #51, 52; early 1971

On its nature as a movement; with statistical and cultural projections. [OLSC]

"The Day We Named Our Child We Had Fish For Dinner."  New American Review #11, 1971.

Reflections on the state of the Movement at the time of the Kent State murders.  (Reprinted in A Time In Their Lives, J. Hermen, ed., Canfield Press, 1974; in Writing Under Fire, J. Klinkowitz and J. Somer, eds., Delta, 1978.) [WWW]

"Cannabis Calculations."  Marijuana Review I:6, June 1971.

Statistical and cultural projections of marijuana use.

"Politics of the Drug Plague."  Organ, July 1971.

Governmental policies and hippie capitalism as forces in the spread of heroin.

"On Sexuality."  New Schools Exchange #63, Aug. 16, 1971.

Edgy reflections on encounters of children with each other and adults.

"Introduction to Dome-building: A Geodesic Meditation."  New American Review #12, 1971; and
"Technology and Social Reconstruction."  In Ecology: Crisis and New Vision, R. Sherrell, ed., John Knox Press, 1971.

A long excerpt and the full version of a massive essay on technological education and social reconstruction. [OLSC]

"The Ecology of Psychedelic Drug Use."  In Drugs: For and Against, H. Hart, ed., Hart Publishing Co., 1971.

A long, impassioned essay, on cultural and educational perspectives

"Notes Towards an Essay on Rock and Roll" (poem) and "Evening, Article Finished" (prose-poem.)  In Twenty Minute Fandangos, J. Eisen, ed., Vintage, 1971.


"Crystal Balling."  New Schools Exchange #71, Feb. 1, 1972.

Projecting the future of the free schools movement. [OLSC]

"How We Learn Today in America."  Saturday Review LV:34, Aug. 19, 1972 (cover).

Observations on the structure and process of a national system of alternative higher education.  (Reprinted in Let the Entire Community Become Our University, P. Ritterbush, ed., Acropolis, 1973.)

"Beyond Free Schools: Ageism, Free Schools, and Conferences."  New Schools Exchange #84, Oct. 15, 1972.

More on the nature of alternative schools and their future. [OLSC]

"The Only Thing Missing Was Sufis."  Creem 4:5 (cover), Oct. 1972.

Reflections on the emergence of the "higher consciousness" movement. [NAB]

"People's Park: Round Two" (poem.)  In War Extra (Berkeley, undated, late 1972.)

"Spell for a Woman Terrified by Mother-Possession of Her Hands" and "Three Ceremonies" (poems.)  In Poem-Maker Soul-Healer, J. Marcus, ed., Radical Psychiatry Press, 1972. (Includes also "The Wedding Guest" and "{Letter to Michael}" by Karen McLellan.)


"Of Spider Webs and Snails."  Saturday Review LV:50, Jan. 1973 (cover).

On a child's education in relation to other living things.  (Reprinted in The Essay: Structure and Purpose, Cherry et. al. eds., Houghton Mifflin, 1975.) [ESE]

"The View from the Dome."  Columbia Forum, XL:2, Spring 1973.

Correspondence about the politics of unorthodox architecture.

"Fighting Fire with Fire."  California Living, Aug. 26, 1973

Firefighting in the Berkeley hills: a 1960 memoir.  (Reprinted in Firehouse 4:6, June 1979.)

"Music Lessons."  American Review #18, Fall 1973 (cover).

An extended celebratory hymn, expressing a study of a process of autonomous learning.  Published with a new afterword as Phi Delta Kappa Fastback #45 in 1974, under the title Learning Without a Teacher.

"Whatever Happened to the Free University?"  Innovative Education Newsletter, III:12-13, Sept.-Oct. 1973; and "Alternative to the Status Quo: Education at Sanctum."  Change Magazine 6:2, March 1974 (cover).

The development of a counter-community from a campus base, considered as an alternative educational institution.  (Reprinted as "Education and Liberation" in The Daily Illini: Spectrum, March 9, 1974; and in The Planning of Change, W. Bennis et. al. eds., Holt-Rhinehart-Winston, 1976.)


"How Healers Exploit."  San Francisco Phoenix 6 2:9, Feb. 7, 1974.

Old abuses of power in the new field of psychic education. [NAB]

"A Tale of Ten Years, a Father and a Son."  Rolling Stone #160, May 9, 1974.

Reflections on the development of authoritarianism in the New Left and America, together with a countervailing image of a father-figure.  (Reprinted in Dialogue I:17 (SFSSEU), June 1974.) [NAB, LBFSM as “A Father for Our Time”]

"Ageism and Learning."  Innovative Education Coalition Newsletter IV:6, July 1974.

The first one-third of an essay, per title.

"Show Us Your Lotus Ass, Rennie!  (Bliss and Fear in Berkeley)."  Social Policy 5:3, Sept./Oct. 1974.

About Rennie Davis' conversion to bliss, its cultural significance, and the fears it inspires among political radicals.  (An excerpted version appears in the AHP Newsletter, Feb. 1975; the full text appears also in the preview issue of Rallying Point, Jan. 1974.) [NAB]

"How Free Is Speech Now?" Daily Californian VI:27, Oct. 1, 1974.

A decennial anniversary reflection on the FSM and its consequences. [In LBFSM as “Looking Back at the FSM”]

"Ten Years After: Inside the FSM."  California Monthly 85:3, Dec. 1974 (cover).

A retrospective on the FSM and its significance, abridged from two longer essays. The first part appeared in full form as "How Free Is Speech Now?"  (above.) The second part places political movements in the context of the study of altered states of consciousness; and appeared nearly in full in the East Bay Express in 1984, and in [NAB] [LBFSM]) (Reprinted in Yin Times #1, Feb. 1976.)

"On a Wedding in Mariposa."  In Yellow Brick Road, D. Steinberg & A. Dilworth, eds., Red Alder Books, Ben Lomand, 1974.

An account of what still seems one of the most luscious ceremonies of the Sixties -- reprinted, slightly truncated, from WWW.


"Notes on the Tao of the Body Politic."  In In Search of a Therapy, D. Jaffe, ed., Harper and Row, 1975.

Reflections on  the interplay of personal and social therapy, while exploring the human body and the state of the Movement.  (70% reprinted in Self-Determination 2:2, (Fall) 1978.) [NAB]

"The Orthodox and the Unorthodox in Health Care."  Social Policy  6:1, May, 1975.

Discussing reasons why advances in holistic medicine and in bettering health-care delivery tend not to be pursued simultaneously; and the case and prospects for their simultaneous pursuit.

"Politics and Consciousness."  New Age Journal 1:6, May 1975.

Remarks from a panel discussion for KQED-FM.

"Out of the Whale."  New York Times Book Review LXXX:19, 11 May 1975.

A review of Jonah Raskin's autobiography, of the Left.

"Lessons in Busting Up the Joint."  Harper's Weekly LXIV:3126, 23 May 1975.

A brief account of engaging children in creative destruction.

"[In Memorium R.J.G.]."  Rolling Stone #191, 17 July 1975.

An obituary memoir on Ralph J. Gleason's involvement with the FSM and Left politics during the sixties.

"Civilizing Children."  Harper's Weekly LXIC:3134, 28 July 1975.

On processes of family governance -- in particular, on setting limits for a young child to grow by, in dialectic.

"Some Indications for Community Memory."  Journal of Community Communications 1:0, July 1975.

Social, political and educational considerations bearing on the recent Berkeley experiment with an open-access computer-based real-time community data-bank process.  (Reprinted as "Implications of Community Memory" by the Association of Computer Machinery SIG/Computers and Society 6:4, Winter 1975.)

"The Way of the World."  Social Policy 6:2, Sept. 1975.

Review of the Tanner/Berger film Le Milieu du Monde, concerning its sexual politics and artistic competence.

"Coming Down (A Dance with Ram Dass)."  California Monthly 86:3, Dec. 1975.

A multi-leveled cultural report on learning, the tension between politics and transcendence, and the mood of the day.  (Reprinted as "Ram Dass at Berkeley: Politics vs. Transcendence" in Harper's Weekly LXV:3153, 19 Jan 1976 (cover).) [In NAB as “Ram Dass, Kali Yuga]


"A Communications Network for Change in Higher Education."  Journal of Community Communications 1:1, Jan. 1976.

Science-fiction fandom c. 1954, as a model for this.  (Reprinted from OLSC.)

"Wakoski a la Berkeley."  Margins #28-30, 1976.

A memoir of Diane Wakoski's early years in Berkeley, with reflections on the subsequent development and sexual politics of her poetry.

"Report on the 'I-Scream' Man."  California Living, 20 June 1976.

Reflections on a presentation by Arthur Janov: old pedagogy in new feathers. [NAB]

"MOVEMENT 1976: Notes on a Metaphor of Process, on a Process of Metaphor", self-published, Berkeley,  Aug. 1976.

A massive (25,000 word) Bicentennial reflection on what has become of the Movement of the Sixties, and on the governing task of the day and the next decade.

"The Fool of Sociology."  Sociological Inquiry, 46:3-4 1976 (pp. 147-67).

A major biographical essay on the life and work of John R. Seeley, concerning the basic nature and thrusts of social-psychological science in our era.

"EDUTOPIA, or, 266 Suggestions for Reform in American Education."  Some 70% appears in Schoolworlds '76, D. Bigelow, ed., McCutchan Pub. Co., Berkeley; 1976.

A comprehensive scenario of reform, envisioned from the perspective of the learner-citizen.  Commissioned by Project Open (TTT) of the U.S.O.E.

"What happened to the Free University?"  National Free University Notes #12-13, Oct. 1976.

Notes on the evolution and differentiation of the free university model since its origin in the mid-sixties.

"Just an Old-Fashioned Left Song".  California Monthly 87:2, Dec. 1976.

Biographical memoir on political singer-composer Malvina Reynolds.

"Testimonial to a Dream."  California Living, 24 Oct. 1976.

On witnessing a new mural in Berkeley, recording the Sixties, with my son.  (Reprinted as "Murals Mapping Anger."  Santa Barbara News & Review 6:37, 22 Sept. 1977.)

"Self-Help Marketplace."  Social Policy 7:2, Sept. 1976.

On the nature of the educational institution and transactions defined by the literature of the "self-help movement."

"Night Beach" and "[Say what you will...]" (poems.)  Cedar Rock I:4, Fall 1976.


"From Tyrannosaurus to Mandala: Lessons in Violence."  Learning 5:5, Jan. 1977.

A study of the curriculum of violence in a young child's life, and how self-directed learning may be fruitfully engaged.

"Parascience and Social Responsibility."  In Beyond Physics, S. Krippner and J. White, eds.; Anchor Press, 1977.

Concerning a moral perspective on the social implications of parapsychological research, and how it might be approached. [NAB]

"[Community-Based Human Services.]"   C/O 3:1, Spring 1977.

A definitional note.

"Up Panoramic."  American Review #26, Oct. 1977.

An intimate tale, somewhere between pedagogic and lyric, of an expedition with my four-year-old son.

"Warning: Consumer Educators May Be Dangerous."  Social Policy 8:3, Nov. 1977.

A brutally-edited version of a critical essay on the movement and practice of human services consumer education, pointing toward a new paradigm.  (Reprinted in .....)

"[Say what you will...]" (poem.)  In City of Buds and Flowers, J. Simon, ed., Aldebaran Review Press (Berkeley), 1977.


"Paul Goodman: Mentor to a Generation."  Inquiry 1:8, 6 March 1978 (cover.)

A biographical reflection on Goodman's writing,

"Where Are Our Children?  (A Requiem for the Unborn.)"  Mother Jones 3:4, May 1978.

A passionate mediation on the meaning of my generation's low birth-rate.  (Reprinted in Whole Life Times 1:10, Jan. 1981; and in California Oranges 1:1, May 1982.)

"Parasites and Modern Man."  Hustler, Sept. 1978.

Concerning my family's ten plagues, and parasitism as a way of life.

"Open Collective Memory Systems."  C/O 4:3, Autumn 1978.

An introduction to cybernetic open/public information systems, from the perspective of their usefulness for community human service agencies and change-networks. (Reprinted in Interchange 2:1, Sept. 1979.)


"Spice Valley, USA: Marijuana Moonshiners."  The Atlantic Monthly 243:1, Jan. 1979.

Observations on the rapid growth of the domestic marijuana industry, and its impact on the rural society of its producers.

"The Pedagogy of the Guru."   AHP Newsletter, March 1979.

Analysis of the lessons about learning learned in the Guru/Organization/Follower ecology.  From [NAB]

"Rose Bone."  Quest 79 3:6, Sept. 1979.

On burying my grandmother's ashes, with my son in attendance.

"On Some Systems of Language."  Journal of Community Communications  III:3, 1979.

Notes on the functional character of "New Age" jargon.  (A partial chapter from the sequel to NAB.) Reprinted in Community Spirit I:1, Nov/Dec 1980.


"Assassinations, Violence, and a Science Teacher's Lie."  Learning  8:7, Mar. 1980.

On helping a grammar-school class deal with local assassinations and the  Jonestown suicides. Reprinted with "The History Lesson" in Two Pedagogic Tales. [ESE]

"War Games." Berkeley Monthly 10:9, June 1980.

A brief memoir, about children learning about the recent war. In retrospect, an unself-conscious portrait of the poster archivist at the dawn of his career (early 1977).

"Letter."  Grassroots IV:4, Dec. 10-23, 1980

Brief note about abusive manners in writing.

Two Pedagogic Tales (Self-published chapbook, including “The Science Teacher's Lie” and “The History Lesson.”


"On the Character of the American Political Poster Renaissance."  Bulletin of the AOUON Archive #3, May 1981.

A seminal essay, per title.


"Do You and Your Class Dare ... (The Science Teacher's Joke.)"  Learning 11:2, Sept. 1982.

Teaching a fifth-grade class about the evolution of nuclear missiles. [ESE]

"On Learning: Paradigm Lost",  Express (Berkeley) 4:38?, 16 July 82.

On the modern degradation of teaching and learning.

"On Learning: Natural Science",  Express (Berkeley) 4:49, 1 Oct 82.

An earlier version of the essay in Learning, Sept. 1983.


"The Cutting Up."  Learning 11:7, Feb. 1983.

A study of the dissection of a fish, with a pre-school class. [ESE]

"On Learning: About A History Lesson."  Express 5:27, 23 April 1983.

A memoir about introducing my son to Victor Jara's severed hands.  (Adapted  from "The History Lesson", in TPT.)

"The Cheese: A Brief Essay on Method in Science Teaching."  Phi Delta  Kappan 64:9, May 1983.

An account of a classroom inquiry into flatulence, with some methodological reflections. [ESE]

"Of Marriage in the Computer Age."  Creative Computing 9:8, Aug. 1983.

A therapy-oriented account of marital stresses connected with computer involvement.

"Demanding More of Manuals."  Popular Computing, Aug. 1983.

A brutally-edited analysis of some aspects of computer-user/learner support.

"Why Kids Fail to Learn Science."  Learning 12:2, Sept. 1983.

A major statement, concerning the reformulation of science education. [ESE]

"On The Waterfront: And Wilderness Were Paradise Enow."  San  Francisco Focus 30:9, Sept. 1983.

A lyric and detailed requiem for the Berkeley waterfront, upon its domestication, expressed as a naturalist's ramble with his young son. Reprinted as "Paradise at the Waterfront," Berkeley Gazette 107:103 5 Jan 1984.

"Computers: A Tool, Yes, But ...,"  Learning 12:3, Oct. 1983.

Reflections on the values to be pursued, in integrating computers into  classroom operations.

"In-Service Training."  West (San Jose Mercury-News), 18 Dec. 1983.

A grammar-school memoir, about my socialization as traffic-boy and prize-winner.

Untitled Document


"Carving the Land." Berkeley Gazette 107:102 4 Jan 1984.

Longish letter about uses of the Santa Fe parcel. Reprinted in Grassroots XII:13 11 Jan 1984.

"Upstart Spring: A Review", AHP Journal, Jan. 1984.

A review of Walt Anderson's history of Esalen.

"On Learning: Holly and the Hoot."  Express 6:12, 6 Jan 1984.

A personal memoir, about the culture of self-directed collective learning in the world of folksingers.

"Teaching Science."  Learning 12:7, Feb. 1984.

A personal reflection on an alternative paradigm, couched as advice to an elementary-school teacher. [ESE]

"How to Use the Computer in Science Class (And How Not To),"  Classroom Computer Learning 4:7, Feb. 1984.

A conservative approach to integrating computers in science (and other) instruction, emphasizing deep and endangered values.

"Playgroup: Daddy's Diary"  AHP Newsletter  June 1984.

About the frustrations of doing child-care.

"A Father's Separate Peace with TV."  Family Learning 1:2, May 1984.

Not peace but a martial stance; about teaching a child how to relate to the medium, 

"Costa Rica's Parks."  San Francisco Focus 31:5, May. 1984.

A brief travel memoir.

"About Schooling, To My Son."  Family Learning 1:4, Sept/Oct 1984.

A reflection about my son's past and future experience of schooling, upon his graduation from elementary school.

"Learning About Learning ... Through Computers,"  Classroom Computer  Learning 5:2, Sept. 1984.

About the process of learning to use a computer, as a reflexive model.

"Twenty Years Later: An FSM Reflection,"  Express 6:50, 28 Sept. 1984.

On the FSM's 20th anniversary, a reworking of my 1974 retrospectivc, with almost the full text of my reflection on the FSM as an altered state of consciousness.  (From NAB; comprised in  [LBFSM].)

"Psychic Science and Social Responsibility." Applied Psi, Fall 1984. 

A reworking of material from NAB.

"Free Speech Carols."  Daily Californian, c. 7 Dec. 1984.

A brief memoir about the FSM's Christmas carols, recently reissued.


"A Taste of Spring,"  Learning 13:8, April 1985.

A field expedition to study the springtime ecology of nearby weeds with a  fourth-grade class. [ESE]

"To A Young Activist, From A Relic Of The New Left: A Homily About Student Activism, Learning, And Educational Democracy."  Daily Californian XVII:183, 7 Nov. 1985.

A major statement, about the paradigmatic inter-relation of these three subjects, couched as a letter of advice. (Reprinted in several college newspapers.) [LBFSM]

“Implications of Community Memory,” ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society archive 6:4, Winter 1975

? Reprint of “Open Collective Memory Systems” (1978), or a later work?


 "Pregnancy and Sexuality." In The Fathers' Book, C. Kort and R. Friedland, eds.; G.K. Hall, 1986.

A short memoir about my own experience.


"Speak: You Have the Tools!" de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara, 1987.

Exhibition catalog, with a social history of the evolution of the social serigraphy movement in the Bay Area, 1966-86.

 "Higher Order Help, and the Fate of the Osborne Systems." Foghorn VII:2, Nov. 1987.

On the social management of "obsolete" microcomputers: a prospectus of projects for a major users' group.


 "On Some Matters of Concern in Psychic Research." In Psychic Warfare: Fact or Fiction?, John White, ed.; Aquarian Press, 1988.

Reprint of this long chapter from NAB, minus some introductory sections.

 "What Is Community Memory?" Kairos II:2, 1988.

Further principles and uses for open community memory systems.

 "All in a Day's Walk." Parenting May 1988.

How to explore nature with a child, on a neighborhood walk. [ESE]

 "Germs Bad! Clean Good!" East Bay Observer 1:1, 17 Oct 1988.

About microbes, our attitudes, and medical mythology.


"Burying Berkeley."  San Jose Mercury News (Arts & Books) 7 May 1989

Brief review of Rorabaugh's dreadful Berkeley at War.

“Some Guidelines for the Emergent New Paradigm.”  East Bay Green Alliance IV:5  June 1989.

Brief, pithy send-up.

"Free Speech in 1989." Daily Californian XXIV:183 4 Dec 1989

Text of "Reflections on a Silver Anniversary," about the silence on campus during the FSM's 25th anniversary. [LBFSM]

"Third-Generation Software for Writers."  Verbum 3:1 Winter 1989

Satirical projections.


"Five Lives: The Other Side of the FSM" Berkeley Insider I:4, April 1993

A long, meaty review of Goat Brothers, by Larry Colton. [LBFSM]


"Question Authority."  California Lawyer Dec. 1994

Rueful reflection on lawyers' control of our court case in the FSM.


San Francisco Chronicle , Tuesday, November 12, 1996

Letter to editors, protesting unfair coverage of Mario Savio's death


"In Memoriam: Harold Rossman."  Labor 59:12 Dec. 1997

Obituary for my father, adapted from my memorial remarks.


["On a biased review of Dean Radin's work."]  The Internationalist Survival Society: Letters, http://www.survivalafterdeath.org/letters/radin.htm

About a case of fraudulent discrediting of research in parapsychology, by a leading scientific journal.


“The ‘Rossman Report’: A Memoir of Making History” in The Free Speech Movement: Reflections on Berkeley in the 1960s (pp. 189-214), eds. Robert Cohen & Reginald Zelnik,  University of Calif. Press, Berkeley, 2002.

My longest and deepest essay on the FSM,  mainly through discussion of my early role in it; with an “Afterword: The Betrayal of Lennie Glaser.” This version is significantly abridged and edited. (The Glaser memoir was published online in CounterPunch, Nov. 21, 2002 [www.counterpunch.org/rossman1121.html] [LBFSM]


"Free Speech Movement Activist Finds Tarnish on Kerr's Legacy." Berkeley Daily Planet V:86, Jan. 23, 2004.

Sour reflection on Kerr's death, about his betrayals as an educator, to balance public chorus painting him as liberal saint.

"Remembering the Police-Car Siege,"  "On the Firing of Dr. Clark Kerr," and "On Education, In America". In There Comes A Time: Poetry of the FSM, ed. John Oliver Simon, FSM Archives, 2004

Poems written for this chapbook and in 1967 and 1965, respectively, published for the FSM's 40th anniversary commemoration. [LBFSM]

"Repossessing Ourselves.” California Monthly, V. 115, No. 2, November 2004

A brief, edit-mangled look back at the FSM


“Of Shrews and Snails.” Berkeley Daily Planet VI:79, Jan.7, 2005.

A memoir about keeping shrews and hunting snails to feed them.

"Hunter S. Thompson’s Portrait of Berkeley." Berkeley Daily Planet VI:102, Mar.29, 2005

Brief introduction to reprint of Thompson's 1965 piece in The Nation.


“A Free Speech Grizzly Sermon.” Berkeley Daily Planet VIII:58, Nov. 23, 2007.

Speech in support of the long-running Oak Grove protest on the U.C. campus.

“Remembering Malvina Reynolds.” Berkeley Daily PlanetIX:99, Mar. 18, 2008.

Reprise of "Just an Old-Fashioned Left Song," 1976, with brief introduction, promoting concert for 30th anniversary of her death.

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